
About Practically Mindful Programs

………..the opportunity to change our behaviour is not always planned and happens as we go about our day to day lives, especially when this involves interacting with others


We put a lot of energy into creating plans to achieve future success both personally and at work.

Knowing what to focus on, whether that’s improving a development area or amplifying a strength, is an important component.

However, making behavioural change often involves doing things that feel uncomfortable, and as a result change opportunities can often be missed or old habits unconsciously enacted in order to avoid or minimize the discomfort. Even the best conceived and constructed plans can often falter at this point.

So in order to make the changes you want, your ability to recognise and work with moment by moment discomfort, anxiety and doubt is critical. This is because the opportunity to change behaviour is not always planned and happens as we go about our day to day lives, especially when this involves interacting with others.

Practically Mindful;

  • Provides insights, tools and techniques that will enable you to connect with opportunities to enact your goals
  • Provides practical strategies to help you improve your moment by moment connection with what you are doing . We know that not everyone wants to engage in hours of meditation and weekend retreats. That’s OK, there are many mindfulness exercises that can be simply incorporated into your daily lives
  • Gives you options so that you can select the approach that is right for you. This means starting where you believe your energies will be best focused
  • Takes a holistic view that recognises that values, purpose and strengths will help motivate you to engage with goals and actions
  • Helps you impact positively on your relationships, emotions, learning and self awareness to better enable you to live life on your terms

Practically Mindful Programs and Coaching are about providing insights and techniques that form the foundation for you to connect with your world and the people in it to help you achieve your goals.

Programs can be tailored for any individual, team or organisation.

Author: Graeme ByeJune 22, 2017


Graeme Bye is an organisational psychologist with a background in corporate organisations in HR and Leadership Development.

He coaches individuals and teams and includes mindfulness practices and techniques to improve effectiveness, manage stress and achieve focus.